The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 4: Fractions and Kosher Cows

While continuing to forbid transfusions of whole blood, the Watchtower currently allows Jehovah’s Witnesses to transfuse into their veins what they call “blood fractions.” By this they mean blood “components” (red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma) that have been “fractionated” into still smaller units. It hasn’t always been so. The Watchtower’s original blood-ban forbade… Continue reading The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 4: Fractions and Kosher Cows

The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 5: Life Over Law!

Here we are at part five of our examination of the Watchtower’s assumptions about blood. (What? You didn’t read the previous parts? Here’s a link to part one.) Even if you have accepted all of their assumptions thus far, it still doesn’t justify your withholding a blood transfusion from your children or yourself. Why? Because… Continue reading The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 5: Life Over Law!

The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 6: Love over Law!

An implied assumption of the Watchtower’s ban on blood transfusions is that Law takes precedence over Love. Let’s take the example of a mother whose eight year-old daughter has been hit by a car and is suffering internal bleeding. The massive loss of blood needs to be immediately replaced by a whole-blood transfusion. The love… Continue reading The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 6: Love over Law!

The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 7: Sense Over Nonsense!

First a bit of Nonsense for your amusement: The blood in any person is in reality the person himself… The poisons that produce the impulse to commit suicide, murder, or steal are in the blood… Moral insanity, sexual perversions, repression, inferiority complexes, petty crimes – these often follow in the wake of blood transfusion.” —Watchtower… Continue reading The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 7: Sense Over Nonsense!

The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 8: Taking Responsibility

At the time of this writing, an estimated 34,104 Witnesses have needlessly died due to the Watchtower’s blood policies since 1961. Who is responsible for those deaths? Certainly the Governing Body takes no responsibility. Looking back, there never was an apology or even a admission of wrong on their part when their former rules cost… Continue reading The Jehovah’s Witness Blood Issue: Resolved! Part 8: Taking Responsibility

Examining the Case FOR the Faithful & Discreet Slave!

As shown in the quotes above, in the February, 2017 Watchtower article, “Who Is Leading God’s People Today?” the Governing Body admits to being error-prone and providing the wrong direction. Still, they claim to be the sole representatives of Jesus on earth, as his “faithful and discreet slave” to whom we owe our unquestioning obedience… Continue reading Examining the Case FOR the Faithful & Discreet Slave!

How a Leech Sucked the Lifeblood Out of the Watchtower

“For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made” Romans 1:20 (NWT, 2013 ed.) In the scripture quoted above, the Bible informs us that the creator’s qualities are clearly seen from the “things made” (i.e. from the reality of the natural world around us.)… Continue reading How a Leech Sucked the Lifeblood Out of the Watchtower